Friday, April 30, 2010

in case you haven't..

seen enough of our wedding, tessa from utahbrideandgroom put our wedding on her blog. i felt really bad.. i think it took me months and months to get all the questions answered.
don't you hate when life gets in the way... anyway sorry tessa. but, better late than never... right?!?!

today is the day...

that i am officially unemployed.
(it is much nicer being unemployed when it is by choice.)
the first thing i learned is that it is hard to drive and stuff your face with ice cream.
the semester is over (except for one minor chemistry final.)
i am hating the snow... but the grass sure does look purrty.
life is good.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

wild hair&tan legs

lake mead... april 2008
(i miss those locks)

Friday, April 23, 2010

rain, snow or shine.

we hit the pavement... and finn stops to smell the tulips.
happy rainy friday.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Saturday, April 17, 2010

i am completely content. sometimes life just seems to go right. it's a new week... the $1,400 that we owed the tax man last week is now done and taken care of. finn is clean thank goodness. i tried to teach him to dry himself in the sun.. instead of three people (finn is the size of a person) crammed in our pintsize bathroom. with the hot blowdryer and the smell of a wet dog.
i am attempting to cook rice for finn. it is boiling over and causing a big mess. i don't mind though. sure beats diarhea. i didn't cook rice the way justin told me i had too. i went a little heavy on the rice. oops.
i love this weather. spring is fun. especially when you are allergy free like me. justin went and bought himself a whole-lotta pills after accusing me of taking them. puh-lease. i don't need that stuff.
i have two weeks of work left.. yup.. count up the days. TEN. 10 days left and then i enter the sweet life of the UNEMPLOYEd. poor never felt so good.
i am excited for summer. not excited for the 50 pages that weber state sent to have filled out before starting school. the fbi will need to check me out, i will need to pee in a cup, get some shots... by shots i mean h1n1 and head shots. i read that and thought yea riiight. first of all i would not get a professional photo of myself.. just myself. head and shoulders. i think weber and my badge will just have to have a professional passport photo. i will be the most unglamorous nurse and i don't even care.
of to park city. xoxo

Sunday, April 11, 2010


hapPy BirthDay davey

i cannot believe i haven't seen you in 681 days(you haven't missed too much.) i hope you are still the same. i can't believe that you are 21 and that you will be back in utah in 47 days!
p.s. on day will you take me to sweden. cos it looks beautiful.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


snow day and strawberries.
love strawberries.
hate snow.

Monday, April 5, 2010

'STOP! dream...'

i was driving to school the other day... kind of having a bad day. don't you hate when you aren't your chipper self for no good reason.
i was stuck in traffic. glanced left and a huge yellow and red sign caught my eye... it read, "STOP! DREAM HOMES SOLD HERE" i looked through the holes in the chain link fence.
and saw something like this:

i laughed. i smiled. and i had a better day.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

is it easter already....

Easter eggs
i wish my mom was here to hide some money eggs for me to find. but, i guess it wouldn't be fun looking for eggs all by myself... i miss my brothers and our footed pajamas.
any who... happy easter!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

lauren and finn @ bella's birthday party...

the only two photos i took. bella was too busy partying with her friends anyway.

have i been cursed?

i am trying to think back to all of the bad things i have done in the last week to try to understand how i got cursed with bad luck. and nothing comes to mind.... well nothing out of the ordinary. possibly finn is the curse.
two weeks ago i had my moms car towed by AAA... easy harmless. when the tow man told me how familiar i look and asked if he had towed my car or anything before.blah.blah,blah.. i told him, "no, i have NEVER needed to use AAA before."
fast forward to wednesday... went to get in my car.. key would not turn. nothing would turn. but the radio would come on. how nice. well... in about 2 weeks and $750.00 later that will be fixed. lovely.
i didn't want to drive justin's green machine... so i had my dad's friend drive the car down to salt lake for me. i like my dad's car. it has been awhile. i used to drive it every time my parents would go away.
i loved it 'til it tried to kill me. and by kill i mean start an electrical fire over my head. i am now waiting for that car to be towed. i hope the care they let me borrow is problem free. i need a car. my dad will need a car. and to be honest i hate cars. they are so much trouble!!

the one reliable car in all of this is the 15 year old truck. she ain't fast, and she ain't pretty... but at least she works!